Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Congressman Latta Votes NO. Please Vote NO, Too!

Congressman Bob Latta Voted 'NO' to the Bail-Out. Bravo! After giving his thoughtful reasons, his 'NO' vote, along with others, soundly defeated the US Taxpayer bail-out that would use our tax dollars to subsidize a few large businesses while indenturing the rest
of us with the TAX BILL for a long-long-time.

The point is that he didn't vote to spend tax dollars on a pig-in-a-poke. He wasn't going to subsidize bad decisions by powerful and irresponsible businessmen.

Whether Democrat, Republican, or Independent, please consider that your 'NO' Vote on the Ordinance 07-70 Miami Street Improvement Project Referendum will help relieve our TAX BILL, too. I'm appreciative of Congressman Latta's fine example of Representative Democracy. Its an example of how all of us can use our own 'NO' Votes to defeat the Referendum on Tiffin University's Ordinance 07-70 Miami Street Improvement Project. Tiffin University doesn't need the TAX SUBSIDY. Tiffin Tax-Payers don't want to subsidize abuses to ourselves!

On November 4th, please vote 'NO', too.

See Article in the Advertiser-Tribune at:

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners
Here is how it feels to be an Elderly Property Owner at Tiffin University