Friday, September 5, 2008

Taxes Subsidize Tiffin University?

Since Tiffin is such a small town with a shrinking population, how do we justify paying taxes from our shrinking tax base to continually subsidize Tiffin University? To explain this, I was told by one of the McDonalds Breakfast Club participants to simply "follow the money!"

It may be true, but I find it hard to accept the insinuation that we have celebrated Civic Leaders who are profiteering from their close relationship with either our Tiffin City Government, or the Tiffin University. There are laws against "private inurement" as the IRS calls it, so its existence in Tiffin would probably be a criminal offense. Does this despicable practice exist in Tiffin, or not?

Follow the money?

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners
Here is how it feels to be an Elderly Property Owner at Tiffin University