Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Referendum Disclosed by Mayor: Vote 'NO'

I'm delighted to see that Mayor Boroff has offered us a preview of the referendum language that is expected to see the Tiffin University's Miami Street Project defeated on November 4th.

As you know, the Tiffin University is so financially and politically powerful, it does NOT need TAX SUBSIDIES from financially struggling Citizens. Our 'NO' vote on the referendum will send a strong message to University Officials that the Citizens of Tiffin are responsible TAX PAYERS; we do-NOT want to see Jackson Street or Wall Street closed without permission of neighborhood property owners; and Tiffin Citizen concerns are NOT "irrelevant", as the President of Tiffin University declared at the public City Council hearing.

So, in the A-T (
Mayor Boroff says the following is the "referendum language" we will see on the ballot...for which
Responsible Citizens for Tiffin will vote 'NO':

"Ordinance Authorizing city administrator to prepare specifications, advertise for and receive bids, and recommend and execute contracts for the Miami Street near Tiffin University improvement project that includes converting the portion of Jackson Street between Clay and Miami Streets into a cul-de-sac closing access to Jackson Street from Miami Street. Shall Ordinance No. 07-70 be approved: Yes / No".

You can make an immediate and decisive impact on our Tiffin City government by casting your 'NO' vote. 'NO' is a good thing for Tiffin Citizens. 'NO' is a responsible use of our tax dollars.

When you are alone in the voting booth, please choose to vote 'NO' on 07-70.

Thank you,

Joe Monaco
Tiffin Ohio Voter

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners
Here is how it feels to be an Elderly Property Owner at Tiffin University