Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Eminent Domain Action by Tiffin University?

After viewing another website that is frequented by Tiffin University Officials, they confirm that University Officials have already started an eminent domain action against the Monaco Family!

According to a conversation I had with a prominent Tiffin civic leader and banker, TU wants the Monaco Family property "...really bad". TU officials are willing to do anything to get it, except pay for it after a good faith negotiation with the Monaco's!

One of the precursors to eminent domain is that the property owners refuse to negotiate with the people seeking to acquire their property. So, whether they win the Miami Street Project Referendum, or not, TU's so called "offers" of $125,000...$150,000...and now the rumored $500,000 have given Tiffin University's President, Paul Marion yet another reason to exploit our Tiffin City Government for your Tax dollars needed to "buy" the property through an eminent domain action. Dr. Marion's plan is to avoid a good faith negotiation by getting the Tiffin City Government to CONDEMN the Monaco Family Home...forcing the Monaco's to give-up their property. It would also clear the way for closing Jackson Street to neighborhood through traffic. Why is it that TU can force our Tiffin City Government to do their "dirty work" for them? Just follow the money!

Director of Tiffin University Development, Mike Grandillo and his 1/2 dozen associates, who always "post" on other websites without using their actual names, have made their sentiments clear! These Anonymous bloggers of Seneca County have NO scruples. They have publicly accused the very elderly Mrs. Monaco of being "greedy": her son is accused of "raping Tiffin University of millions of dollars": and these so-called Tiffin Civic leaders would have the Monaco Family "run out of Dodge"...because the Monaco Family opposes the idea of closing their public street, and donating their home to help Tiffin University advance their strategic plan! The Monaco's are competition that stands in the way of the private real-estate interests, as well as TU Officials...often the same people.

In the end, after the Monaco's decide to leave their property, someone will have to agree on how much the Monaco Family Home is worth to both the Monaco Family and whomever might want to purchase it. How much is it worth to acquire:

1. the ONLY private property that controls permission to have Jackson Street vacated near Tiffin University?

2. the most talked-about, written-about, blogged, and viewed private property in Tiffin, Ohio?

3. the largest home on the largest private lot in the middle of Tiffin University's campus?

4. a house that can be rented to 24 students by the Tiffin University at $4000 per bed?

5. a rental unit size that Tiffin University Officials typically exploit for revenues of $96,000 per year?

6. A Family home to 4 generations of Monaco's who have lived there starting in 1949...and will indefinitely enjoy living among and renting property to college students who need the price break?

7. a property that is considered as a nuisance by TU Officials because the elderly Mrs. Monaco and her family wants to keep their residence on Jackson Street open to through traffic?

8. a property that TU, if they played fair with their neighbors, would be required to ask permission through a "vacation" petition, so they could possibly own the street they want to capture as campus property?

9. a property that stands in the way of TU's Board-approved Strategy to acquire the whole neighborhood?

Why vote 'NO' on Ordinance 07-70 Miami Street Project Referendum? Because you are NOT
one of the Anonymous bloggers from Tiffin University! Please join those of us who are Responsible Citizens of Tiffin, Ohio...and cast your 'NO vote. If you don't, you or your neighbor might be next. It is NOT a good use of our TAX DOLLARS!

Joe Monaco
Tiffin, OH Voter

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners
Here is how it feels to be an Elderly Property Owner at Tiffin University