Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mayor Divides City by Supporting TAX Abuses

In his recent Letter-to-the-Editor, Mayor Boroff joined Tiffin University president, Paul Marion to advance TU's Miami Street BUSINESS interests while again disregarding the “abusive” aspects of it.

Knowing that Tiffin Citizens are divided on TU's Miami Street issue, his letter is improper in the least. It fuels the very division of Citizens he attributes to others. At worst, he is redefining the term "local political corruption". And I used to like Mayor Boroff . Most regular Tiffin Citizens are so used to absorbing abuses of some civic leaders, they quietly endure most incidences of "corruption" when it shows it's smiling face. Below are the concerns of Responsible Citizens for Tiffin as they address each numbered point of Mayor Boroff 's letter.

Referring to facts he does NOT agree with as "mis-information and rumor", Mayor Boroff 's writing is adding public insult to injury. Yet, now it is clear that Mayor Boroff needs to serve the power brokers in Tiffin, or he will soon enough be “power brokered” out of his job. I really don’t want that to happen. I do expect our Mayor to be a model of leadership to protect elderly people, such as my elderly mother, your parents, and other regular Citizens who have few resources to oppose those Tiffin business interests that will harm them. Mayor Boroff ’s Letter-To-The-Editor in the Advertiser-Tribune does NOT protect us, but takes a firm hold of the flogging stick. His writing attempts to render "irrelevant" the facts underlying Tiffin Citizen opposition to the unnecessary abuses of Tiffin University's Miami Street Project!

The matter is simple: Remove the abuses to Tiffin Citizen rights, and there will be no need to vote 'NO' on Referendum Ordinance 07-70. Even the formerly aggrieved would vote for the Miami Street Project, because EVERYONE would get their interests satisfied. Our Mayor is not working for us when he publicly chooses sides on this issue.

Each of Mayor Boroff's numbered points in his letter requires a response. So the record can be set straight from the vantage point of the regular Tiffin Citizens, I am compelled to provide information our Mayor conveniently left out of his letter. In this way, I hope we voting Citizens will use our voice in the face of Mayor Boroff 's obvious contempt for our concerns. Plan to vote 'NO' accordingly on the Referendum 07-70 issue. Please read on.

[For the complete text of Mayor Boroff’s letter see the Advertiser-Tribune link at: http://www.advertiser-tribune.com/page/content.detail/id/510089.html?nav=5008]

Here is each numbered point the Mayor writes with my commentary immediately following.

1). This project will be paid entirely from federal highway funds. The city has made it clear not one dime of local taxpayer money will be used. If the funds are scaled back, the project will be scaled back accordingly.

Everyone knows very well that TIFFIN TAXPAYERS pay local, state and FEDERAL TAXES. This was emphasized as "public input" at the April 21st Tiffin City Public Hearing.

Remember, one of our regular Tiffin Citizens, Tim Shock, said he did “NOT want” any of his FEDERAL TAX dollars used for closing Jackson Street without property owner permission. My 35 minute statement and that of others gave similar “public input” in support of Mr. Shock’s clear objection. Yet Mayor Boroff suggests that we, the “local taxpayers”, are somehow not paying for a Tiffin University Project with our TAXES. What part of the "public input" that said ‘NO’ does our Mayor NOT recognize as the "public input" he is obligated to regard?

Further, suggesting “If the (Miami Street) funds are scaled back, the project will be scaled back accordingly” must be taken from some secret Mayoral code book because this idea was NEVER discussed with ANYONE I know in Tiffin. Mayor Boroff is trying to “spin” us with this “left field" comment. I’m starting to feel the abuse coming on, again. To me it is simple. A ‘NO’ vote means we do NOT want to see TAXPAYERS flogged out of their homes and streets on Jackson and Miami, when there are alternatives.

2). No private property will be taken under eminent domain. This was never a part of the plan, nor would I, as mayor, support in any way, shape or form the adverse acquisition of any private property for such a project.

This is very “crafty” of our Mayor as he attempts to master the art of empty political rhetoric. Need I remind Citizens that while Mayor Boroff was a Councilman, Tiffin University was permitted to take an EMINENT DOMAIN action and successfully forced the sale of the privately owned Rosenblatt Property (scrapyard) on Miami Street? Again, Tiffin University Officials have now taken preliminary EMINENT DOMAIN action against the Monaco property on Jackson Street. At least one local and prominent Tiffin Ohio banker told me, “Tiffin University wants the Monaco property real bad”. Yes, he used the word “bad”. It says a lot. Tiffin University has used Eminent Domain once. They have NO qualms about capturing property in any way they can; just NOT associated with “such a project” as our Mayor is very careful to specify in writing.

How many Tiffin Citizens would want to know that they will be forced out of their Family Home because our so-called civic leaders don’t have the decency to use their political power for good-faith community action? This is harming my family and others, any way Mayor Boroff spins it.

3). If this project is completed, the cost of any subsequent sewer separation in the Miami Street area will not cost the citizens any additional money. Sewer separation in that area is not scheduled in the foreseeable future at least 12-15 years from now. If we were to halt any current project that might affect another project a dozen years down the road, nothing would get accomplished in the city.

How many more projects does Mayor Boroff plan to administer under such highly controversial, divisive, and abusive conditions near Tiffin University? If nothing is getting accomplished at city hall, then I don't think it is because our Mayor is paying much attention to his most important civic duties.

Mayor Boroff would have us believe that he did NOT hear Councilman Steve Lepard who, during every public meeting on Ordinance 07-70, explained the “additional money” TIFFIN TAXPAYERS would have to pay! Additional TAX money would be needed because the special and expensive features of the Miami and Jackson street project would have to be destroyed and re-constructed a second time because of sewer separation.

Mr. Lepard, who SPONSORED Ordinance 07-70 Miami Street Project, is the Chair of the Street, Sidewalks & Sewers Committee. Tiffin University introduced Ordinance 07-70 through Mr. Lepard in 2007. Mr. Lepard has since discovered the abuses to regular citizens such as the additional tax money and the closing of Jackson Street without private property owner permission. Since before the April 21st public hearing, COUNCILMAN LEPARD HAS BEEN ACTIVELY OPPOSING THE VERY ORDINANCE THAT HE SPONSORED FOR TIFFIN UNIVERSITY! Mr Lepard is acting on good, community-minded principles. Our Mayor is NOT.

Further, Mayor Boroff is "spinning" at full speed when he says, “If we were to halt any current project that might affect another project a dozen years down the road, nothing would get accomplished in the city.” P-l-e-a-s-e !

The extremely controversial Miami Street Project is vigorously opposed by Responsible Citizens for Tiffin ONLY because it contains civic abuses that can be easily remedied by Tiffin University Officials…who have publicly refused to consider ANY alternatives to closing Jackson Street. Not getting anything accomplished may be because Tiffin University has "pushed the envelope" on acceptable public actions way to far.

Mayor Boroff is now abrogating his DUTY to hold up this ONE project that would UNNECESSARILY ABUSE SOME TIFFIN CITIZENS OF THEIR RIGHTS. Notice that Heidelberg College has no intentions of abusing anyone and the money for their project is coming from the same TAX appropriation. Our Mayor’s duty is not to pick sides as he did based upon personal, political and financial expediency. His job is to help arrange for a good-faith, negotiated solution that can bring our community together in the best interests of all concerned. If Mayor Boroff is not going to serve the regular citizens of Tiffin on community principles of fairness and those of our democratic republic, we need to make his actions irrelevant by voting ‘NO’ on the Miami Street Project Referendum 07-70.

4). No house will lose convenient access to city streets. Yes, the intersection of Jackson and Miami streets will no longer be in existence, but residents will have full access to Jackson and the new cul-de-sac from Clay Street.

Mayor Boroff is presumptuous to decide for the Monaco Family what is or is NOT convenient.

The “public input” from at least four Citizens at the April 21st public hearing clearly opposed closing Jackson Street. The Monaco’s are quite satisfied with the current arrangement of through traffic, as it helps the elderly Mrs. Monaco supplement her income by annually merchandising her apartments to people who “drive through” Jackson Street. If you close Jackson Street, you prevent her from the very economic advantages you say you want to provide for Tiffin Ohio. In this regard, the elderly Mrs. Monaco IS Tiffin Ohio.

Further, if the Tiffin University does not alter its plan to close Jackson Street, the Monaco Family Home would be land-locked into identifying with the Tiffin University’s Campus. This would clearly be a CONSTRUCTIVE EMINENT DOMAIN action that our Mayor said he would not support, as follows: “This was never a part of the plan, nor would I, as mayor, support in any way, shape or form the adverse acquisition of any private property for such a project.”

Constructive Eminent Domain would be an extreme inconvenience to the Monaco Family. To maintain the integrity of his written word, Mayor Boroff needs to publicly reverse his support for Tiffin University's Miami Street Project abuses and encourage all Tiffin Citizens to vote ‘NO’.

5). The Wall Street railroad crossing will not be closed. Again, this is something the city of Tiffin would not support in any eventuality. That crossing is critical to traffic in that area.

I trust Mayor Boroff’s intentions in what he has said in #5. However, let’s look at the facts.

Although Tiffin University removed the closing of the Wall Street railroad crossing from Referendum Ordinance 07-70, TU did so ONLY after the Monaco Family objected at two Tiffin City Council Readings of Ordinance 07-70, and then made a deal with City Council and the Mayor. Fact is: Closing Wall is off the Miami Street Project Referendum 07-70 FOR NOW. The written plan for closing of the Wall Street railroad crossing still exists in its original form in City Council’s files. Tiffin University has reserved their right to initiate another Tiffin City Ordinance, at a time of their choosing, to close the Wall Street railroad crossing. Although our Mayor is well intentioned on this matter, Tiffin University’s political and financial power goes all the way to Washington. Tiffin Citizens are wise to "question" the unfettered political and economic power of Tiffin University Officials.

6). Truck traffic will be maintained on Miami Street. In fact, the street will be designed to greater facilitate truck traffic and make the area more pedestrian-safe.

Once again, our Mayor is well intentioned on this one. He hasn’t talked to any of the truck drivers I know. Their concerns are all those planned trees lining Miami Street that will surely, when grown, obstruct a clear view of pedestrians. They are also questioning whether the street will be wide enough to forgive any steering mistakes, and whether the curbs would be sturdy enough to keep from crumbling when hit by a heavy, loaded rig. With a tree-lined median splitting Miami Street, this engineering would certainly create TWO opportunities for students to possibly get slammed by a truck or car.

As far as “Pedestrian-safe” goes, this is again empty political rhetoric and “spin”. I will keep saying this as long as Dr. Marion and Dr. Grandillo continue to assert misinformation that does NOT stand up to facts in evidence.

A compelling argument was made at the April 21, 2008 City Council Hearing that demonstrated clearly that there was NEVER A PEDESTRIAN SAFETY PROBLEM, except as fabricated by Dr. Grandillo and Dr. Marion. “Pedestrian Safety" on Miami and Jackson Streets is well-known around downtown Tiffin to be a ruse. See the public hearing video for particulars of the hearing and how Grandillo and Marion are in so deep with their misinformation on pedestrian safety that they would NOT be able to save face if they came clean.

This too, defines "local political corruption". Just ask one question to decide the authenticity of their "Pedestrian Safety" assertions: "If closing Jackson and altering Miami Streets will "improve pedestrian safety", then, by how much?"

This is NOT a trick question. It does NOT require any understanding of mathematics beyond simple addition and subtraction. It does NOT require anything accept a "raised eyebrow". Given the facts, the ONLY correct answer is "Zero". If it was more than ZERO, don't you think the Tiffin University Officials would emphasize the actual number that might justify the great fun they would have spending $800,000 in TAX Subsidies?

If he was working for ALL Tiffin Citizens, Mayor Boroff would NOT call facts and conclusions that he does NOT agree with as "misinformation", "rumor" and "half-truths. This is preposterous.

So, when you are alone in the voting booth, please use the above facts and conclusions to inform your decision to vote 'NO on Tiffin University's Miami Street Project Referendum Ordinance 07-70. It is the right thing to do for this small town community we call Tiffin Ohio.

Thank you for your consideration,

Joe Monaco

Registered Tiffin Ohio Voter

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners
Here is how it feels to be an Elderly Property Owner at Tiffin University