Friday, October 24, 2008

Tiffin University NOT a Democracy?

Tiffin University governance - of employees and students - is NOT an exercise in Democracy.

Nor should it be.

When faced with opposition to its own mission and policies from within, No University President will deny that a more "heavy-handed" approach is necessary. To allow dissidence within Tiffin University's campus could result in yet another Ohio College going defunct.

At independent colleges, such as the Tiffin University, long term survival is often dependent upon bold, deliberate, and decisive action to carry out their mission. The mission is usually stated in a formal Strategic Plan that, if not substantially executed. can result in bad things happening. For example, the University could lose accreditation, loss of revenue from students who won't come to an unaccredited college, and the President, along with some staff will certainly be fired from their jobs for their lack of effectiveness! In the higher education industry, it is considered fair, necessary, and just that Universities are NOT Democracies.

If you are not familiar with this basic University governing philosophy, here's a link that gives a very rare look into the ongoing NON-DEMOCRATIC governing philosophy and practices of Tiffin University Officials:

Although I do NOT agree with the methods he has chosen because they hurt Tiffin University neighbors, with the abusive aspects of the Miami Street Project, I can sympathize with TU President, Paul Marion's "rock-and- a- hard-place” situation.

He is on a mission. He has a Board-approved plan that he MUST carry out to keep University accreditation, his job, and that of other high-paid staff members. All of this is VERY STRONG motivation to do everything possible to ensure Tiffin University's Institutional survival...even if it means "bending the rules; or giving up your personal sense of integrity. Dr. Marion and company are very effective in ensuring their survival and prosperity BECAUSE they carry out their mission and plans in a much focused way, without consideration for any issues they are known to call "irrelevant". Herein lies the rub.

Nothing about governing Tiffin University's resources is Democratic. If you are employed here, you either "tow the company line" (and don't oppose any University policies), or it is quite clear that you
will be fired from your job. If you don't believe this, you haven't spoken to enough of Tiffin University’s 180+ employees, or their relatives who will quietly tell you some version of their own fears that their loved one can loose their job, if they "speak-up" about any TU related indignity. [Why else would nearly every TU employee who was asked, say to us, "No, I work for Tiffin University, I would be fired, so I can't sign the Referendum Petition!” ].

If you are a student, please don't assume that the $25,000+ you bring to the University gives you any license to proclaim your objections to important indignities you might notice on campus or off. You too will have to suffer silently, or you will quickly get a lesson in dark power-politics that will scare out of you any trust and esteem you might have accorded your institutional Officials. If you are intent on having your young innocence thus violated, you might be best-served to patiently wait for other dark University-inspired events to take their toll on you. In this way, probability suggests you will be spared most indignities. The link above, gives but one account of how this affects would-be activist students at Tiffin University.

Remember, through the energetic, fresh and smiling faces of TU students, this “fear” dynamic quietly permeates the Tiffin University's campus. Do you think Dr. Marion and his key subordinates, such as Dr. Grandillo, are also subject to it? If you are highly paid, or highly compensated in some other way, it is easier to rationalize or encourage the indignity. If you know anyone not-so-privileged who has ever been out of a job, this is tough to take in an economically depressed city like Tiffin, Ohio. It can change your values and re-order your priorities in a way that most of us are not proud to admit.

TU Officials are extremely effective at governing this NON-Democracy known as Tiffin University, with its attendant dynamic of silent fear and oppression among their own rank-and-file…as well as their own fresh and smiling young students.

Why do TU Officials act like they have a right to subject Tiffin, Ohio Citizens to the same abusive methods of governance?

What makes them act like they actually expect our Tiffin City Council and Mayor to act as a cartel on their behalf?

Why do we allow the pervasive influence of Tiffin University Officials to virtually "dictate" abusive actions of more than just one or two Tiffin City Officials?

We need to separate this currently confused mission of Tiffin, Ohio governance from the governing philosophy and self-interested influences of Tiffin University Officials. Encourage and allow the University to survive and prosper on its own merits. The abuses should NOT be subsidized at the TAX expense of regular Citizens. Responsible Citizens for Tiffin objects to subsidizing publicly disputed TU projects with Citizen tax dollars...or with Tiffin Citizen’s neighborhood streets...or with our homes.

Just like any private enterprise, Tiffin University Officials are legally allowed to fire their employees and to dictate the rules every employee (and student) is required to follow. If employees don’t obey Tiffin University rules, or protest them in public, Tiffin University Officials have a documented history of silencing them into the ranks of the unemployed. This is the punishment for speaking up!.. even if employees would have a family, a modest mortgage on a home, and are now headed for certain financial ruin.

However, I am hard-pressed to find any Responsible Tiffin Citizen who does not clearly condemn the same philosophy and practice when applied to the governance of Tiffin Citizens. Even though a few Seneca county businesses will benefit financially, the resulting abuses to the rest of us are nothing short of outrageous!

If YOU vote ‘NO’, TU will NOT suffer in any way,. The simple act of voting ‘NO’ will be a powerful show of citizen action that will mark Tiffin Ohio Citizens as vital patriots of our country, protectors of our constitution, and protectors of those among us who would be abused because they have been declared “irrelevant” by TU’s top official. These are civic principles that will also save $800,000 in TAXES that would otherwise hurt some individual citizens.

Responsible Citizens need to take back our City and place it into the hands of those elected council members and the Mayor who represent us! This is one example of where your “NO’ vote can make an immediate difference! It does NOT cost you one additional penny. Your ‘NO’ vote does NOT cost the Tiffin University one additional penny either!

Please mobilize with the Responsible Citizens for Tiffin on November 4th, and vote "NO" on the Tiffin University's Miami Street Project Referendum Ordinance 07-70. Your employer is probably NOT a Tiffin University Official, so YOU can't be fired for voting "NO". All others, when you are alone in the voting booth, practicing your constitutional right as an American Citizen, please consider voting "NO", too!

Joe Monaco
Tiffin, Ohio Voter

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners

Tiffin University Threatens Property Owners
Here is how it feels to be an Elderly Property Owner at Tiffin University